elevate yourself
into the future

about eléva

eléva is a smart assistant committed to improve the overall experience of the elevator users. A powerhouse of features, eléva has something compellingly useful for everyone.

Designed to proactively address the user needs to experience a hassle-free journey. Uplifted by technology and intelligence.

feature power-house


elevator manufacturers

  • Customise features based on your needs with minimal hardware changes
  • Fulfil the needs of users via a bundle of features created using smart algorithms & IoT
  • Achieve smooth integration with a state-of-the-art mountable device that works with all elevator models


elevator commuters

  • Get a holistic experience with eléva’s devices and mobile app
  • Choose destinations & control the ambience with a user-friendly touch screen panel
  • Reduce waiting time by calling the elevator using eléva’s mobile app
elevator commuters
building secretaries


building secretaries

  • Manage & keep track of everything from a single mobile app
  • Get a wider view of the going’s on with eléva’s mobile app
  • Help users by associating floors with occupant names or by special names

experience eléva

how different are we

eléva is a unique digital system that can be mounted on any kind of elevator model. With effortless installation, this system works swimmingly across all elevators.

eléva adds an elegant touch of technology to your traditional elevators. During this crisisof coronavirus pandemic, summon your elevator with voice-commands without anyhuman interaction. It also detects your location and provides access to nearby eléva(s).

Not just use your elevator to reach a destination but make it entertaining by listening to music or reading the news or getting weather updates on eléva.

team eléva

Jitendra Kumar Penikelapati

CEO at Entellus IoT Labs Pvt Ltd.

Jitendra has over 14 years of experience in the design, development, and maintenance aspects of automation solutions across industries – ranging from Elevators, manufacturing to services, to process.
Highly committed to addressing the teething problems through technology, Jitendra firmly believes in improving the productivity and performance that can be reflected in the balance sheet of organizations.

info@eleva.online, +91 8374623170

2-2-185/53/A, 1st Floor, DD Colony, Hyderabad – 500013.

Copyright © eléva 2024.
All Rights Reserved.

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Designed By Valluri Ramesh Naidu